Bl0g template/theme is a files that used t0 setup the blogs or websites, so that the site's contents will be appeared and people can viewing on the internet.
As we know that the blog's template -skin-design was plays a big role. And while most of the companies offering free bl0g hosting 0ffer pre-selected templates, there are also some that allows customization that if you utilize this feature correctly can 1ncrease your blog's traffic.
My Purpose in this blog is to sharing around the SEO (Search engine optimization) in blogspot templates .
As we know that the blog's template -skin-design was plays a big role. And while most of the companies offering free bl0g hosting 0ffer pre-selected templates, there are also some that allows customization that if you utilize this feature correctly can 1ncrease your blog's traffic.
My Purpose in this blog is to sharing around the SEO (Search engine optimization) in blogspot templates .
seofriendly blogger templates | 7 Templates
it's a nice posting. Thanks for sharing with us.
Wow, great information. I could say my knowledge in seo is already broad but I find it nice to see people giving out tips and new information.
Thanks for the helpful information. Hope to hear more from you.
hi i would like to once again ask u how to change Neviation menu or how to meke Nevigation menu from the beginning could u share me about nevition ?